Jim Wallace from the Australian Christian Lobby organization said in a speech, without giving ANY concrete evidence for his claims, that it was safer to be a smoker than a homosexual and went on to extrapolate this crazy notion that if marriage equality were to happen and homosexuals were 'normalized' then the country would face health risks and other such shit that are 'inherent' to the homosexual lifestyle. Those types of things being diseases and drug abuse. Which just to point out, A) these things are not rampant throughout the entire culture, B) they are not unique to the homosexual culture, C) what is true and not grossly exaggerated will dissipate with the acceptance of homosexuality. So, here's the link to that article and ya seriously biggest W-T-Fuck moment of the week.
Just thought to let you know about New Zealand's debate progress: the bill is likely to pass its third reading by nearly a 2/3 majority. Several months of conservative lobbying managed to change only 3 MP's minds from yes to no. You'll find out the news on April 18th!