Saturday, August 25, 2012

Locker Room Thoughts

    One gay man to all you straight guys out there, when we shower with you at the gym in the open bays we are not trying to check out your junk! We have no desire to gaze at your penis, we've probably seen better and some of us can go home to a better one waiting on us! I shower at our gym at least two times a week and guess how many times I check out the guys I'm showering with?! The correct answer is zero. Because I don't care!! I have better things to do than ogle at your manhood. So please feel free to get over yourselves and stop freaking the eff out. Thank you and good day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This post made me laugh out loud.

    I go to the gym and I admit at first it was hard (haha get it?) not to look at people in the buff but I got used to it. We are there to work out not to hook up. Poor straight boys in there unprotected states. Gay guys feel just as awkward--or more--at least, I do.

    But like you said, we don't sit there and stare. That's creepy.

    I saw your vid on YouTube and it made me tear up. I really appreciate what you are doing.
