Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On Open Letter Regarding ND SB 2252

An Open Letter to the Senators of North Dakota Regarding SB 2252:

Senators of North Dakota,

I am member of the United States Air Force. I am a community volunteer. I am citizen. And I am gay.

I am a gay North Dakotan, and how you vote on SB 2252 directly impacts me.
But I am not writing this to you for me. I'm not even writing this to you
for my LGBT friends, roommates, or coworkers. I am writing this to you, I am
pleading with you for the children of this great state. By passing this bill
and ensuring its success through ALL levels of the North Dakota Legislature
you have the opportunity, no the priviledge, to show every youth in this
state that they are wanted and that they belong and that they are not second
class citizens in this state. To proclaim to them that it gets better! That
is your charge and your responsibility. To send a strong and powerful
message to every kid, teen, youth, adult, and traveler that here in North
Dakota it does not matter what you look like, who you pray to, or who you
love you are wanted and respected and deserving of protection.

I urge you to vote in support of SB 2252 and let the LGBT youth of North
Dakota know there is hope.

-Jacob Thomas, SSgt, USAF
Grand Forks, ND