Thursday, April 18, 2013

An Open Letter To Senator Heitkamp On Gun Control

Senator Heitkamp,

Last night I was deeply troubled, saddened, and disheartened that all the
gun control measures that would have made this country's citizens safer
failed to pass the Senate. What was even more troubling was that the
Manchin-Toomey Amendment failed and that you, Senator, were one of just a
handful of Democrats to vote it down! I expect your Republican colleagues to
oppose outright something that the Obama administration supports, and I
didn't expect all of the measures presented yesterday to pass the Senate but
I also did not expect my Democratic senator, whom I was so excited to see
representing us, go against this bi-partisan amendment.
   I grew up in the State of Georgia, one of the most pro-gun states in
the country. I am currently serving in the Air Force, stationed in Grand
Forks. I have shot my fair share of weaponry. I understand the trepidation
surrounding gun control. I understand that North Dakota hasn't experienced
the tragedy of gun violence as other states have, so we are much more
resistant to restricting anything involving guns. With that in mind, I
understand how difficult a decision voting on these matters can be (and
should be) for you. I truly believe that the job of elected officials is to
represent their constituents, but I also believe it is their job to act in
the best interest of their people. Furthermore, I believe that this duty of
speaking for the people and championing their best interests moves beyond
just those who put the official into office. It is the mandate of the
official to do what is best for ALL the citizens of this great nation. The
Manchin-Toomey Amendment IS the best thing for ALL of America's citizens. If
there are North Dakotans that didn't want any gun control measures or didn't
want this bi-partisan amendment, then it is your job to show them why they
should support it: to educate others on why this country needs laws like
these; to stand in support of common-sense measures that make not only
people of North Dakota safer but also the people of every other state in
this union.
   The proposals that failed to pass yesterday would not have ended gun
violence in America. They might not have stopped another act of terror like
those of Newtown, or Aurora, or the assassination attempt on Former
Congresswoman Giffords, but they might, just might, have done exactly that.
These measures would have saved the lives of Americans. That, in and of
itself, was reason to champion these measures to those in North Dakota that
would have wanted their defeat.
   I have lived in Grand Forks since February of 2009, when I
transferred here from training in Mississippi. I absolutely love this city
and its people, and so less than a week ago (6 days actually) I switched my
residency and became a full North Dakota resident. After major thought and
consideration, I realized that I wanted to move forward with you and this
state to bring North Dakota to a more moderate and brighter future. I
attended your campaign rallies and celebrated your election. I believe in
this state and I believe in you, which is why how you voted yesterday was so
   So, after all of that writing let me sum up my thoughts. I am
writing to express to you that there are North Dakotans who would stand
behind you in supporting common-sense gun control measures. I am writing to
express my sadness in your votes yesterday. While I still think you are an
exemplary woman and elected official, and while you haven't lost my vote, I
am disheartened with your performance yesterday.

Jacob Thomas

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

On Open Letter Regarding ND SB 2252

An Open Letter to the Senators of North Dakota Regarding SB 2252:

Senators of North Dakota,

I am member of the United States Air Force. I am a community volunteer. I am citizen. And I am gay.

I am a gay North Dakotan, and how you vote on SB 2252 directly impacts me.
But I am not writing this to you for me. I'm not even writing this to you
for my LGBT friends, roommates, or coworkers. I am writing this to you, I am
pleading with you for the children of this great state. By passing this bill
and ensuring its success through ALL levels of the North Dakota Legislature
you have the opportunity, no the priviledge, to show every youth in this
state that they are wanted and that they belong and that they are not second
class citizens in this state. To proclaim to them that it gets better! That
is your charge and your responsibility. To send a strong and powerful
message to every kid, teen, youth, adult, and traveler that here in North
Dakota it does not matter what you look like, who you pray to, or who you
love you are wanted and respected and deserving of protection.

I urge you to vote in support of SB 2252 and let the LGBT youth of North
Dakota know there is hope.

-Jacob Thomas, SSgt, USAF
Grand Forks, ND

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jake Shears Interview - rucomingout

Great article over on with Jake Shears. He is a great performer and an outstanding member of the LGBT community. Go check it out!!

Jake Shears Interview - rucomingout

Friday, January 4, 2013

Can We Be Big Boys In Government?

By now you have no doubt heard about a certain outburst from a high ranking member of our Congress. After months of negotiating and ideologging things had finally come to a head: Boehner told Reid to go fuck himself.
Not only is it appalling to me that the Speaker of the House would direct such language to another member of Congress but also, that he would do it in public where it could be caught on record! America is tired of hyper-partisan politics that do absolutely nothing for the country except stagnate any potential progress. Now listen, this is to everyone: It is high time for both sides of the aisle to grow up and stop pretending they are schoolyard boys with adolescent grudges. Ideals are fine. beliefs are fine. Letting this great country burn because you can’t see past your own egos to realize that not compromising on anything and effectively halting the democratic process because of it rather than ceding some ground for the greater good is not. Our government MUST come together and put aside hate and grudges to be able to properly lead this nation. It must transform from Red vs Blue. This country thrives when ideas from both sides come together and are debated and considered until the best one comes out on top. This hasn’t been happening; it needs to start. Our leaders need to start playing grown up politics instead of grade school cliques; We The People deserve better.

-Jacob Thomas, 3 Jan 2012