Thursday, January 10, 2013

Jake Shears Interview - rucomingout

Great article over on with Jake Shears. He is a great performer and an outstanding member of the LGBT community. Go check it out!!

Jake Shears Interview - rucomingout

Friday, January 4, 2013

Can We Be Big Boys In Government?

By now you have no doubt heard about a certain outburst from a high ranking member of our Congress. After months of negotiating and ideologging things had finally come to a head: Boehner told Reid to go fuck himself.
Not only is it appalling to me that the Speaker of the House would direct such language to another member of Congress but also, that he would do it in public where it could be caught on record! America is tired of hyper-partisan politics that do absolutely nothing for the country except stagnate any potential progress. Now listen, this is to everyone: It is high time for both sides of the aisle to grow up and stop pretending they are schoolyard boys with adolescent grudges. Ideals are fine. beliefs are fine. Letting this great country burn because you can’t see past your own egos to realize that not compromising on anything and effectively halting the democratic process because of it rather than ceding some ground for the greater good is not. Our government MUST come together and put aside hate and grudges to be able to properly lead this nation. It must transform from Red vs Blue. This country thrives when ideas from both sides come together and are debated and considered until the best one comes out on top. This hasn’t been happening; it needs to start. Our leaders need to start playing grown up politics instead of grade school cliques; We The People deserve better.

-Jacob Thomas, 3 Jan 2012